Mark Barnes (788),
Nigel Clifford (120),
Andrew Davies (91),
Dylan Brady (85),
Paul Daniel (61),
Paul Clement (42),
Jonathan Stephen (36),
Owen Milton (35),
Gareth Davies (28),
Stuart Dainty (25),
Chris Hess (24),
Nathanael Ayling (19),
David Lewis (18),
Peter Elward (18),
John Perry (16),
Hywel Jones (16),
Chris Rees (14),
Arnallt Morgan (13),
Jeremy Bailey (13),
Peter Milsom (13),
Jean-Marc Alter (12),
Ian Parry (12),
John Davies (11),
Adrian Brake (10),
Sam Pritchard (10),
Deiniol Williams (10),
Dave Evans (10),
Neville Rees (10),
Owen Jones (9),
Mark Barnes (8),
Stephen Clark (8),
Rich Andrews (7),
Andy Pitt (7),
Sammy Davies (7),
Paul Davies (7),
Phil Hill (7),
Andy Christofides (7),
Steffan Jones (7),
Alun Johnson (6),
Philip Swann (6),
John Williams (6),
Paul Kosciecha (6),
John Woolley (6),
Evan Richards (6),
Will Savory (5),
David Norbury (5),
Sam Keen (5),
Phil Davis (5),
Dafydd Morris (5),
Tim Curnow (5),
Andrew Bowden (5),
Morgan Britton (4),
Richard Birch (4),
Peter Mitchell (4),
Dafydd Williams (4),
Andrew Norbury (4),
Dom White (4),
Ben Christofides (4),
Ian Middlemist (4),
Owen Batstone (4),
Graham John (4),
Gareth Edwards (4),
Gwynn Williams (4),
Phil Davies (4),
Dave Norbury (4),
Peter Williams (4),
Andrew Millership (4),
Jim Webber (4),
John Evans (3),
Alex Hutter (3),
Adam Thomas (3),
Mark Jenkins (3),
Mark Cole (3),
Mark Pickett (3),
David Hails (3),
Phil Swann (3),
Brian Nott (3),
John Orchard (3),
Peter Meiring (3),
James Sercombe (2),
Jonathan Isaac (2),
Aneurin Britton (2),
Andrew Graham (2),
Darran Dowey (2),
Jonny Travis (2),
Daniel Towers (2),
Lloyd Pritchard (2),
David Tucker (2),
Gareth Llewellyn (2),
John Funnell (2),
Alex Collins (2),
Evan Millership (2),
Dafydd Taylor (2),
Jim Grindell (2),
Hywel George (2),
James Allan (2),
John Lewis (2),
Andrew Scully (2),
David Beddows (2),
Luke Williams (2),
Warren Jones (2),
Reuben Saywell (2),
Eirian Davies (2),
Tim Payne (2),
Mark Banres (2),
Alan Davey (2),
Sung Ho Choi (2),
Martin Williams (2),
Andrew Christofides (2),
Ralph Cunnington (2),
Paul Whiteley (2),
Bernard Lewis (2),
Edward Evans (2),
Paul Hinton (2),
Richard Penn (2),
Phil Williams (2),
Matt Rees (2),
Peter Gwyther (2),
Lewis Roderick (2),
Hubert Clement (2),
Steve Hadley (2),
Nigel Graham (2),
Bill Steed (2),
Brian Higham (2),
Ben Midgley (2),
Luke Jenner (2),
John Mainwaring (2),
Luke Rowcroft (1),
Paul Williams (1),
Richard Roberts (1),
Kevin Davies (1),
Andrew Love (1),
Iwan Rhys-Jones (1),
Alwyn Roberts (1),
Emmanuel Owoso (1),
Mark Stone (1),
Ifor Hughes (1),
Tom Roberts (1),
Andrew Hadley (1),
Dan James (1),
Fiona Earnest (1),
Andy Taylor (1),
Jae Hyun Kim (1),
Mike Adams (1),
Ian Jones (1),
Sam Oldridge (1),
Gareth Evans (1),
Rhodri Brady (1),
Dave Lewis (1),
Jonathan Thomas (1),
Darrin Gilchrist (1),
Abraham Debbarma (1),
Richard Andrews (1),
Mike Adames (1),
Owen Brown (1),
Matthew Maxwell-Carr (1),
Mark Davies (1),
Sung-Ho Choi (1),
Kofi Boafo (1),
Hugh Davis (1),
Roger Carswell (1),
Meirion Thomas (1),
Paul Gamston (1),
Peter Clement (1),
David Bond (1),
Colin Jones (1),
Jonathan Norbury (1).
Genesis (66),
Exodus (29),
Leviticus (9),
Numbers (11),
Deuteronomy (13),
Joshua (21),
Judges (5),
Ruth (12),
1 Samuel (22),
2 Samuel (6),
1 Kings (2),
2 Kings (9),
1 Chronicles (2),
2 Chronicles (4),
Nehemiah (16),
Job (6),
Psalm (138),
Proverbs (9),
Ecclesiastes (2),
Isaiah (34),
Jeremiah (4),
Lamentations (3),
Ezekiel (5),
Daniel (11),
Hosea (13),
Amos (23),
Jonah (19),
Micah (6),
Nahum (1),
Habakkuk (4),
Zephaniah (1),
Haggai (9),
Zechariah (3),
Malachi (7),
Matthew (188),
Mark (92),
Luke (199),
John (209),
Acts (91),
Romans (86),
1 Corinthians (68),
2 Corinthians (21),
Galatians (22),
Ephesians (99),
Philippians (49),
Colossians (23),
1 Thessalonians (22),
2 Thessalonians (15),
1 Timothy (9),
2 Timothy (17),
Titus (20),
Philemon (3),
Hebrews (75),
James (23),
1 Peter (27),
2 Peter (12),
1 John (30),
2 John (1),
3 John (2),
Jude (7),
Revelation (39).
His name shall be called (3),
The Psalms: a book of mixed emotions (7),
Grace reigns (2),
Ruth (5),
Cradle, cross, cown (1),
Cradle, cross, crown (21),
In the beginning (14),
Belief and behaviour (11),
The prodigal son (3),
Studies in prayer (3),
The Servant's songs (1),
The Servant's songs (1),
The Servant's songs (2),
Studies in Luke 4 (1),
God's will for your life (1),
God's will for your life (1),
God's will for your life (1),
Elements from Eternity (1),
A look at Leviticus (5),
Jesus - the True Vine (4),
Miscealleneous (1),
The Dynamic Church (3),
Divine Doxology (1),
Matthew (35),
Micah (5),
Relentless Grace (1),
Missing Gift (8),
Grace in Christ (Ephesians) (56),
Amos (1),
Living in the light of eternity (2 Thessalonians) (7),
Knowing the Presence of God (5),
Hope in our struggles (5),
Love for the unlovely (9),
The Acts of the Risen Jesus (17),
We are the Church (7),
The work of God in the soul of man (9),
The King and His Cross (21),
Nehemiah (12),
Luke (24),
God The Holy Spirit (8),
The Greatest of these is Love (13),
The Glory of Redemption (4),
The Sayings of Christ on the Cross (6),
Exodus (9),
The Church We Should Be (6),
Haggai (5),
Am I really a Christian? (7),
Daniel (6),
Grace and Glory in the Gospel (15),
The Life of David (14),
John's Gospel (34),
Proverbs - Wisdom for Living (10),
Growing together in grace (10),
Numbers (10),
The Lamb Wins (Revelation) (20),
What Jesus Offers (7),
"I AM" (7),
Genesis (26),
Lessons from the church in Corinth (28),
Matthew (12),
The Lord's Prayer (9),
Deuteronomy (2),
Ten Commandments (12),
Titus (3),
Philippians (12),
Please pray (8),
Amos (21),
Mark (26),
Joshua (14),
James (13),
Miscellaneous (1188),
John 17 (3),
Psalms of David (12),
Jonah (10),
Hebrews (33),
Luke 1-2 (4).
Sunday Morning (881),
Sunday Evening (811),
Midweek Meeting (205),
Christmas morning (16),
Good Friday (13),
Special event (12),
Christmas Eve (4).
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